Image Description Price
Juniata Mining and Manufacturing Company. [Bargain Lot of 3 pieces] Attractive certificate with four vignettes. Eagle in front of factories, miner with pick, train, Ben Franklin. Tyrone, Pennsylvania. Unissued but dated 18__. $12.00
Kensington Steamship Company. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces] Eagle with globe. Grand Island, New York. Unissued. Very light moisture discoloration at right. $15.00
Kenwood Lodge No. 303. [Bargain Lot of 8 pieces] Free and Accepted Masons. No vignette. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1915. Large seal with square and compass. Vertical format bond. A few coupons at right $12.00
King Mining Company. [Bargain Lot of 9 pieces] Miners inside mine at upper left. Six small mining vignettes in frame. Idaho. Unissued. $15.00
Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 101. [Bargain Lot of 3 pieces] Monogram of initials and name at upper left in gold. Kenton, Ohio. 1910s. This is a secret fraternal organization founded near the end of the Civil War. Stub remnant at left. Minor edge faults. Pen cancel over vignette. $12.00
Leasco Corporation. [Bargain lot of 20 pieces, multi colors] Lady with globe, city. Delaware. 1970s. Leasing company. $12.00
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. [Bargain lot of 6 pieces] Eagle with wings outstretched. Pennsylvania. 1949. Unissued. Vertical format bond. No coupons. $15.00
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. [Bargain lot of 6 pieces purple] Two reclining ladies flanking small engine. Pennsylvania. 1930s. Small holes through vignette. Stub remnant at left. by ABN $15.00
Lehigh Valley Transit Company. [Bargain lot of 8 pieces, 3 colors] State seal with two horses. Pennsylvania. Unissued. by Wri $15.00
Leonard Mine Extension. [Bargain Lot of 5 pieces] Three mining vignettes. Arizona. Unissued. $12.00
Little Miami Railroad Co. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces] Smoking engine pulling passenger train around curve at upper left. Dividend scrip. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1855. Unissued. $15.00
Little Miami Railroad Company. [Bargain Lot of 20 pieces] Very attractive wood burning locomotive of 1850s vintage hauling tender and passenger car. Second vignette shows farmer plowing. Ohio. 1930s. $15.00
Little Miami Railroad Company. [Bargain Lot of 8 pieces] Very attractive wood burning locomotive of 1850s vintage hauling tender and passenger car. Second vignette shows farmer plowing. Cincinnati, Ohio. Unissued but dated 18__. $15.00
Loew' s Theatres Inc. [Bargain Lot of 4 pieces, 2 colors] Man, woman flank theatre. New York. 1970s. Stock size bond. $12.00
Louisville and Nashville Railroad Equipment Trust. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces, 3 colors] Two diesel locomotives. 1970s. Vertical format bond. by SCB $12.00
Lubrizol Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces] Man, woman with gears, chemical apparatus. Ohio. 1970s. $15.00
Lucky Ten Oil Co., Inc. [Bargain Lot of 8 pieces] Oil field with gushing well. Two small gushing wells in border. Vinton, Louisiana. Unissued. $15.00
Mack Financial Corporation. [Bargain lot of 3 pieces, 3 colors] Mack truck labeled" The Bulldog". Ohio. 1970s. Stock size bond. $12.00
Mahoning Coal Railroad Company. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces] Miner with sledge at upper right. Ohio. 1970s. by ABN $12.00
Mahoning Coal Rail Road Company. [Bargain Lot of 8 pieces] State of Ohio seal with two farmers, wheat shocks, river boat and train. Ohio. 1970s. Modern frame. by ABN $12.00
Maine Central Railroad Company. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces] Eagle on crag. Maine. 1955. Vertical format bond. by ABN $15.00
Mansfield Tire & Rubber Company [Bargain Lot of 15 pieces, red]. Eagle. Ohio. 1970s. $15.00
Marietta Mining and Milling Company. [Bargain Lot of 10 pieces] Three mining vignettes. Spokane, Washington. 1930s. Stub remnant at left. Large rubber stamp cancel. $15.00
Meadow Brook National Bank. [Bargain Lot of 20 pieces] Indian in warrior bonnet viewed from the side. New York. 1960s. $10.00
Medequip Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 5 pieces] Logo of M with caduceus. Maryland. 1973. $12.00