Image Description Price
Defense Metals, Inc. [Bargain Lot of 10 pieces] Open pit mine and mill. Idaho. Unissued. $12.00
Delhi and Hudson River Railroad Company. [Bargain Lot of 8 pieces] Smoking funnel stack locomotive. Unissued but dated 18__. $15.00
Dickinson Radio Association. [Bargain Lot of 20 pieces] No vignette. Dickinson, North Dakota. Unissued. $15.00
Dillsburg Copper, Lead & Iron Company. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces] Miners inside a mine. Small train in corner. Pennsylvania. Unissued. Dated 18__. $15.00
Docks Connecting Railway Company. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces] Passenger train at station. New Jersey. Unissued but dated 188_. $15.00
Dow Chemical Co. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces, 2 colors] Three men. Delaware. 1970s. Stock size bond. $12.00
Draper Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 15 pieces, 2 colors] Detailed rendering of an automated loom. Maine. 1960s. $12.00
Draper Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 20 pieces, green and orange] Two men with forgings, chemical apparatus. Maine. 1960s. Manufacturer of industrial and textile equipment. $12.00
Duquesne Light Company. [Bargain Lot of 10 pieces, 4 colors] Lady seated next to generator and holding lighted bulb. Pennsylvania. Specimen stock certificate. $15.00
Duquesne Light Company. Specimen. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces] Lady seated on generator holding staff with light at top. Pennsylvania. Due 1918. Horizontal format registered note. Vertical fold $15.00