Image Description Price
Coast Line Telephone Company. Girl with liberty cap at upper left. South Carolina. Unissued but dated 190_. $8.00
Coca - Cola company. Certificate of purchase for stock. 1929. Stray pinholes, light vertical folds. You will receive the same certificate pictured. $195.00
C. O. D. Gold Mining Company. Eagle. Colorado. Unissued. $7.00
Collins Radio Company. Man, two globes. Iowa. 1970s. $3.00
Colonial Dairy Company. Large vignette with farm, dairy, cows across top. Wood River, Illinois. 1930s. Stub remnant at left. Pen cancel. $7.00
Colorado City Mining and Leasing Company. No vignette. Colorado City, Colorado. Unissued but dated 190_. $9.00
Columbia Gas System, Inc. Girl, oilfield. Delaware. 1970. $4.00
Columbia Metal Mines Company. No vignette. Arizona. 1936. Uncancelled. $10.00
Columbia Theatre Company. Lady with liberty cap at upper left. District of Columbia. Unissued. $4.00
Columbia Trust Company. Lady with cap. New York. 1920s.
(Special: 2 or more for $2.25 each)
Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Railway Company. Funnel stack locomotive. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. 1882. Revenue stamp. $29.00
Columbus & Indiana Central Railway Co. Funnel stack locomotive in station. Stub attached over left border. 1868. $45.00
Columbus & Indianapolis Rail Road Co. Wood burning steam engine pulling passenger train. Ohio. 1864. $55.00
Columbus & Maysville Railway Co. Large vignette, smoking engine. Large size horizontal format bond. Unissued. 187_. With Coupons $29.00
Columbus Southern Railway Company. Common Stock, 100 shares. Stub remnant at left obscures border. $55.00
Columbus Southern Railway Company. Funnel stack at station. Unissued but dated 18__. imprint. See Prices
Columbus, Springfield & Cincinnati Rail Road Company. Smoking funnel stack pulling passenger train under bridge. Ohio. Unissued but dated 18__. $14.00
Commercial and Domestic Security Corporation. Eagle with olive branch. Delaware. Unissued. Cancelled. See Prices
Commercial Exchange Building. Eagle. Los Angeles, California. 1928. The building was sold and the bonds paid off at less than face. Vertical format bond with coupons. $2.00
Commercial Real Estate, Loan and Improvement Company of Charleston, S. C. Eagle on mountain. South Carolina. Unissued but dated 189_. $4.00
Commonwealth Casualty Company. State seal, horses. Pennsylvania. Unissued. $4.00
Commonwealth Copper and Silver Mining Co. Miners in mine. Maine. Unissued. Dated 188_. $12.00
Commonwealth Oil Refining Company. Man in front of oil field, refinery. Puerto Rico. 1970s. $2.00
Commonwealth Telephone Company. Eagle with spread wings. Dallas, Pennsylvania. 1960s. $6.00
Commonwealth Telephone Company. No vignette. Forty Fort, Pennsylvania. Unissued. $2.00