Image Description Price
U-Drive-It Company. Eagle with shield. Columbus, Ohio. Unissued.
(Special: 2 or more for $1.50 each)
Uncle Ned Gold Mining Company. Miners at upper left. Six small mining vignettes in border. Maine. Unissued but dated 189_ on back. $8.00
Undine Milling Company of Carrol County. Wheat, corn and barrels of flour. Maryland. 1896. Unissued. Vertical format bond. Small piece missing at fold split. $49.00
Union Cigar Company. No vignette. Maryland. 1930. Uncancelled. $10.00
Union Club Bottling Company, Inc. Wadesboro, North Carolina 1920s - 40s. 2 vertical folds, pen cancel $12.00
Union Consolidated Mining Co. Capital building at center. Man on horse at left, eagle at rignt. Virginia District, Story Cpunty, Nevada. 1932. $6.00
Union Dredging Company. 1910s. 2 vertical folds, glue residue upper left corner. $13.00
Union Loom Works, Inc. No vignette. New York. 1923. Uncancelled. $9.00
Union Pacific Consolidated Oils Limited. Stock Certificate. Alberta, Canada $9.00
Union Pacific Railroad Company. Fractional Warrant. No vignette. Allowed holder to purchase shares of Southern Pacific Co. $15.00
Union Paper Goods Company. Stock Certificate. New Jersey. Unissued $9.00
Union Passenger Railway Company of Philadelphia. Two vignettes show eagles. Small horse drawn trolley at bottom. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unissued but dated 186_.
(Special: 2 or more for $12.00 each)
Union Passenger Railway Co. Six vignettes including Penn, Franklin, two showing 19th century horse drawn trolleys, two showing woman. 1920s. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. $9.00
Union Passenger Railway Co. Six vignettes including Penn, Franklin, two showing 19th century horse drawn trolleys, two showing woman. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1890s. Stub remnant at left. $12.00
Union Petrochemical Corp. of Nevada. Eagle. Nevada. 1960s. $7.00
Union Railroad Company. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces] Passenger train in frame with tools to either side. New York. Unissued. $15.00
Union Railroad Company. Passenger train in frame with tools to either side. New York. Unissued. $7.00
Union Railway Company. Chester, Pennsylvania. Unissued, dated 189_ $12.00
Union Traction Company. Eagle at upper left. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1939. Moisture discoloration along bottom edge. by ABN $7.00
Union Traction Company of Indiana. Fractional stock. See Prices
Unique Theatre Company of Boston. [Bargain Lot of 3 pieces] Eagle with small train in background. Massachusetts. Unissued but dated 190_ on reverse. $12.00
Unique Theatre Company of Boston. Eagle with small train in background. Massachusetts. Unissued but dated 190_ on reverse.
(Special: 2 or more for $8.00 each)
United Aircraft Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 7 pieces, 2 colors] Lady seated on throne holding an airplane. Delaware. 1970s. Stock size bond. $15.00
United Aircraft Corporation. Fractional Warrant of Subscription. 1942 $9.00
United Aircraft Corporation. Lady seated on throne holding an airplane. Delaware. 1970s. Stock size bond. See Prices