Image Description Price
Buffalo Pipe Line Co. [Bargain Lot of 4 pieces] Herd of buffalo next to an oil field. Buffalo, New York. Unissued. Dated 18__ on face. $12.00
Adams and McKee Trading Co. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces] Vignette features motifs from the California seal, including a bear. California. 1929. Stub remnant at left. $12.00
United States Gypsum Company. [Bargain lot of 25 pieces] Eagle. 100 shares. $10.00
Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. [Bargain Lot of 12 pieces] Lady and man. Michigan. 1970s. Stock size bond. $10.00
Homestake Mining Co. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces] Lady holding wreath at upper left. Idaho. Unissued but dated 190_. $12.00
Gould & Curry Mining Company. [Bargain Lot of 4 pieces] No vignette. California. Mines in Nevada. Unissued. Incorporated 1904. $12.00
Loew' s Theatres Inc. [Bargain Lot of 4 pieces, 2 colors] Man, woman flank theatre. New York. 1970s. Stock size bond. $12.00
Medequip Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 5 pieces] Logo of M with caduceus. Maryland. 1973. $12.00
National Distillers and Chemical Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 6 pieces] Lady with chemical apparatus. Virginia. 1958. Vertical format bond with coupons. $12.00
Northwest Corner Nassau-Maiden Lane Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 3 pieces] New York. Unissued. $12.00