Image Description Price
Smuggler Mining Company, Ltd. 1930s. Light vertical folds. $4.00
Societe des Mines D'Or de Kilo-Moto. Gold mine operating in Belgian Congo. Great vignette of natives, hut, canoe, mining cart. Belgium. 1940s. Uncancelled. Coupons at right. In French. See Prices
South Penn Collieries Company. No vignette. 1926. Very small tear in upper margin. $10.00
Southwestern Coal and Improvement Company. Miners at upper left, coal train at bottom. West Virginia. Unissued but dated 18__. $14.00
Spokane National Mines, Inc. Eagle standing on globe. Nevada. 1967. $10.00
Spokane National Mines, Inc. Glue stains at left, pen marking affects vignette. 1958 $5.00
Spring Valley Mines Company. Eagle on cliff at upper left. Nevada. Unissued. Incorporated 1933. $8.00
Standard Coal Company of Pennsylvania. Smoking engine drawing a string of coal cars. Pennsylvania. Unissued but dated 18__.
(Special: 2 or more for $12.00 each)
Standard Mining Company. Nevada 1879 $24.00
Stanley Consolidated Mining and Milling Company. Lady and flag at upper left. Spokane, Washington. Unissued.
(Special: 2 or more for $2.25 each)
Stanley Consolidated Mining and Milling Company. Lady and flag at upper left. State of Washington. 1915. Light wrinkling, light wear along fold lines $10.00
Stevens Coal Company. Eagle. Unissued. $8.00
Success Mining Company, Limited. Wallace, Idaho. by GOES. 1919. Edge tear taped on reverse $6.00
Summit Copper Mining & Milling Company. Three mining vignettes. Colorado. 1919. Uncancelled. Noticeable tears at left taped on reverse. $10.00
Sunlight Mining and Smelting Company. Eagle on dome at upper left. Territory of Arizona. Unissued but dated 190_. $9.00
Sunrise Silver Mining Company. Idaho. 1920 $7.00
Swauk Creek Mining and Developing Company. Deer at upper left. West Virginia. Unissued. $9.00
Swisshelm Mining Company. No vignette. Colorado Springs, Colorado. 1904. Uncanceled. $23.00
Syndicate Hydraulic Mines, Inc. No vignette. Nevada. Unissued. Incorporated 1926. See Prices
Syndicate Mines Incorporated. Several miners working in a mine. Nevada. Unissued. Cancelled with V shaped cut-out through space for president's signature. $10.00
Tai-Metals Milling Company. Kellogg, Idaho. Unissued, dated 19__. by Goes. $7.00
Tamarack & Chesapeak Mining Co. Exterior of mine. Washington. 1908. Stub remnant over left border. $12.00
Tamarack & Chesapeak Mining Co. Triple vignette showing mining scenes. State of Washington. Unissued. $7.00
Tamarack & Chesapeak Mining Co. Triple vignette showing mining scenes. Washington. 1911. $12.00
Tamarack & Custer Consolidated Mining Company. Miners working inside a mine. Nevada. 1910s. Dated at Wallace, Idaho.
(Special: 2 or more for $8.00 each)
Tenabo Mining and Smelting Company. No vignette. Nevada. 1910. Uncancelled. Vertical fold to right of center. $7.00
Tonopah Divide Mining Co. Mining scene. Nevada. 1910s. $13.00
Tonopah Divide Mining Company. Stock Certificate. Nevada. 1910s $6.00
Tonopah Divide Mining Company. Winged battle axe. Nevada. 1910s. V shaped cut-outs at bottom to cancel certificate. Edge splits taped on reverse. $5.00
Tonopah Extension Mining Company. Background vignette of miners. Nevada. 1926. Uncancelled. $12.00
Tonopah Gold Mountain Mining Company. Lady with Liberty cap at upper left. Arizona. 1905. $13.00
Trail Mines, Inc. Mine and smelter. Colorado. 1950s. $9.00
Trinity Goldbar Mining Company. SPECIMEN. Stock Certificate. Nevada $13.00
Tuolumne Copper Mining Company. Stock Certificate. Arizona Territory. 1900s-10s $12.00
Tuolumne Copper Mining Company. Two miners drilling rock in a mine. Arizona. 1910s. See Prices
Uncle Ned Gold Mining Company. Miners at upper left. Six small mining vignettes in border. Maine. Unissued but dated 189_ on back. $8.00
Union Consolidated Mining Co. Capital building at center. Man on horse at left, eagle at rignt. Virginia District, Story Cpunty, Nevada. 1932. $6.00
United Eastern Mines Corporation. 1929. 2 vertical folds, light wear. $12.00
United Goldstone Mining Company. Ore mill with loaded freight cars. Carson City, Nevada. Unissued. Incorp. 1916. $12.00
United States Gold Corporation. Eagle with city in background. State of incorporation unknown. Unissued. $3.00
United States Mining and Milling Corp. 1952 $5.00
United States Smelting refining and Mining Company. Green, 100 shares. Lady holding globe with mining scenes on either side. Maine. 1970s. $2.00
Utah-Apex Mining Co. Eagle and beehive. Maine. 1920s-30s. See Prices
Utah Fuel and Iron Company. Eagle with banner in beak. Corporate name printed in gold. Nevada. 1923. $7.00
Utah Fuel and Iron Company. Eagle with banner in beak. Corporate name printed in gold. Nevada. Unissued.
(Special: 2 or more for $1.50 each)
UV Industries, Inc. Lady standing in front of tree while holding globe. Maine 1970s. Formerly United States Smelting, Refining and Mining. See Prices
Victoria Consolidated Mining Company. Lady with wreath, shield. Utah. 1911. $12.00
Virginia Coal and Iron Co. Virginia seal showing female soldier. Virginia. 1920s. Glue residue at left. $12.00
Virginia Lead & Zinc Corporation. Stock Certificate. 1916. Light vertical folds. $14.00
West End Extension Mining Company. Miners working in mine. Delaware. 1929. Unacncelled. Principal office at Tonopah, Nevada. $9.00