Image Description Price
North Butte Mining Co. [Bargain Lot of 12 pieces, green] Miners working in mine. Minnesota. 1910s. $12.00
Northeastern Street Railway Company of Reading. [Bargain Lot of 5 pieces] Interurban passenger train at station. Reading, Pennsylvania. Unissued. by SBN $15.00
Northwest Corner Nassau-Maiden Lane Corporation. [Bargain Lot of 3 pieces] New York. Unissued. $12.00
Odd Fellows Hall Association of Sacramento. [Bargain Lot of 10 pieces] Linked rings and vine at top, small flag at bottom. Unissued. 186_. $12.00
Ohio Power Co. [Bargain Lot of 10 pieces] Lady holding Light Bulb. Ohio. 1940s. $12.00
Pan American Sulphur. [Bargain Lot of 20 pieces, brown] Woman, two men, with chemical and mining implements. Delaware. 1960s. $9.00
Pan American World Airways, Inc. [Bargain Lot of 40 pieces, red] Fancy vignette with two global hemispheres, eagle, two men. 1970s. Famous bankruptcy. $12.00
Parke, Davis & Co. [Bargain Lot of 20 pieces, green] Two women, one semi-nude, company logo, microscope. Michigan. 1970s. Pharmaceuticals. $10.00
Penfield Coal Company. [Bargain Lot of 5 pieces] Eight miners shoveling, loading coal car in underground mine. Pennsylvania. Unissued but dated 190_. $12.00
Pennsylvania New York Central Transportation Company. [Bargain Lot of 15 pieces] Mercury running in front of city scene with train, airplane, etc. Pennsylvania. 1960s. $15.00