Image Description Price
Sogamoso Oil Company. No vignette. Delaware. Unissued but dated 192_. See Prices
Southern Natural Gas Corporation. No vignette. 1930s $7.00
Southwest Oil Company. Wyoming. 1919. Notation in top margin. By GOES $12.00
Stanton Oil Company. No vignette. Delaware. 1916. Uncancelled. $10.00
Sun Oil Company, Inc. Sunoco. 1972 $8.00
Sun Oil Company. Man, woman flank Sunoco logo. Pennsylvania. 1960s to 70s. See Prices
Sunray DX Oil Co. Man in front of refinery, oil fields. Delaware. 1960s.
(Special: 2 or more for $4.00 each)
Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Company. Man with test tube, oil towers. Sunray and DX logos. Delaware. 1950s. $2.00
Tenneco Corporation. Lady holding globe in front of building, oil field, gas storage facilities. Delaware. 1970s. Stock size bond. Natural gas production and distribution, farm equipment. $10.00
Tennessee Petroleum Company. No vignette. 1910s, uncanceled. $8.00
Texaco, Inc. Refinery with ship, tanks, drilling towers. Delaware. 1970s. Stock size bond. $8.00
Trans Empire Oils, Ltd. Oilwell, globes. Canada. 1952.
(Special: 2 or more for $4.00 each)
Transtates Petroleum, Inc. Oil well, man, woman. NY. 1950s. See Prices
Tumbador Oil Compan. Eagle with bay behind. California. 1923. Uncancelled. $10.00
Union Pacific Consolidated Oils Limited. Stock Certificate. Alberta, Canada $9.00
Union Petrochemical Corp. of Nevada. Eagle. Nevada. 1960s. $7.00
United Oil Land Syndicate. Trust Stock Certificate. 1920s. 2 Horizontal folds, light wrinkling $7.00
United Producers Oil Company. Eagle on mountain. Oklahoma. 1916. Stub remnant at left. $4.00
Universal Oil Products Company. Man in front of refinery, oil rigs, ship. Delaware. 1970s. $5.00
Universal Royalties Company. Stock Certificate. Fort Worth, Texas. 1920s $16.00
Verde Valley Oil Company, Limited. Oil field at upper left. Four small oil scenes in border. Territory of Arizona. Unissued but dated 190_. $9.00
Vindicator Oil Company. No vignette. 1920s. 2 vertical folds with minor creasing. $5.00
Washington Gas Light Company. Three vignettes: Gas works, a blacksmith and a monument. Incorporated in Virginia and Washington, D. C. 1970s. See Prices
West Canadian Oil & Gas Ltd. Oil field. Canada. 1950s.
(Special: 2 or more for $4.00 each)
Wichita Royalty Company. Eagle with city in background. Embossed seal of Indian chief. Wichita Falls, Texas. 1920s. $7.00